Enjoy! Updates on Thursdays(PST) Don't forget to hit the kudos and leave a comment. There is NO Bendy straw ship in this story. based on the prince? What were the creators thinking? What will happen to the studio? Set 32 BC (Before Cuphead) This story takes us back to when The Devil and Bendall find out some people on the surface world are making a cartoon series. Young Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine).Other Bendy and the Ink Machine Character(s).Bendy & Audrey Drew (Bendy and the Ink Machine).
Cuphead x bendy hugging archive#

Then, one day, your predecessor unexpectedly comes to your rescue. You get passed off to a business partner, who treats you with unspeakable cruelty. But instead of becoming a star, you became another blemish on Joey's record. Joey had intended for you to be Bendy's successor, when the dancing devil's cartoons lost popularity. Most were turned away by their own families, who were horrified by their monstrous transformations.

But while Joey's victims were eventually allowed to return to society as proper citizens, they weren't welcomed with open arms as they'd hoped. Looters and scavengers would come to sift through the wreckage of his beloved studio and discover things they weren't supposed to: like all of the poor, tortured souls that had been turned into living cartoons with the use of Joey Drew's terrible, terrible ink machine. Joey Drew Studios finally shut down, and then in the following week, every single one of Joey's dirty little secrets bubbled up to the surface. On the day of August 24th, 1952, that's exactly what happened. Joey could never hide all of his secrets.

Allison Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine).Audrey Drew (Bendy and the Ink Machine).LiterarySerenity Fandoms: Bendy and the Ink Machine, Bendy and the dark revival