Credit card companies are more likely to reimburse you for all purchases made as a result of fraud. Fewer protections than credit cards: Debit cards may have fewer protections against fraud than credit cards.Rewards programs that offer cash back and travel points are more common among credit cards. Has deep vertical expertise and customized payment solutions.

Elavon is backed by the strength of our parent company U.S. Elavon securely handles over 400 billion worth of commerce annually.

(However, some overdraft protection plans allow you to spend past your limit, but you must repay the balance quickly and you will likely incur a fee.) So, you won't go into debt using a debit card. Doesn't incur debt: With debit cards, you are effectively making purchases in cash-with money you already have, as opposed to money borrowed on credit.While lost or stolen cash is gone forever, a lost or stolen debit card can be reported to the bank, which can deactivate the card, remove any fraudulent transactions from the cardholder’s account, and issue a new card. Transactions made with a debit cards appear on the account holder’s monthly statement, making it easy to see where the money went. Collections Team Leader at CardWorks - Merchant Services Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Safer than cash: Debits are considerably safer than cash.